Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Salmon River Road Stone

If you ever need to get from Fredericton to Rexton, the Salmon River road is the way to go. Through Minto and Chipman, the Route 116 is mostly woods and cabins. Somewhere along this road (I would tell you where, but I can't quite remember) is a clearing with an inscribed rock. It says "The one billionth tree was planted here by Hon. Allan R. Graham, Minister of Natural Resources and Energy June 26, 1997"

Next time I am back there, I will get a couple more pictures, but I would recommend the area as a good stop for a quick rest.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Typically I take the bus to work, and afterwards walk over to my wife’s workplace for the drive home. I’ve been slack the past couple months so I haven’t been able to wander downtown as much as I would like.
Fortunately I’ve gotten my act together and while wandering by the Centennial Building I noticed a new sign! It lists all the New Brunswick Premiers from Andrew Wetmore to David Alward (the current Premier, incase you live under a rock).

I'm not up on my history, so this is a great addition to the downtown for visitors and New Brunswickers alike.